Another black chick was impregnated by the Vaccinated Vandal on this special day. I’m wondering how many of our bred women are carrying to full term, and if they’ll ever tell their children that they were conceived during a Ghetto Gaggers recording. So far, I’ve noticed that one third of them appear pregnant. Apparently, the black women on the internet really want light-skinned babies. This girl willingly took in the white man’s penis in her throat, between her legs, and up her ass. Her body totally contorted as she struggled to comply with the orders given to her. An anal hook was even attached to her collar. She could only make loud moaning noises with each shove – not daring to move; but when his load came spurting out from her hole, she ate it all without hesitation – no matter how embarrassed she may have felt for taking part in such debauchery.
Download the entire video called “Baby Momma Day” on GhettoGaggers.com.